I help women who dare to create change achieve impact by making aligned career decisions without the feeling of overwhelm or regret

As a professional woman you have a lot of people depending on you. But even high achievers like yourself need support. If you are going to make more impact and be at your best, in work and life, you are going to need crystal clarity and courgeous confidence to move forward in the direction you need and want.

I’m ready to meet you where you are at.

Get raw and honest decision making support with my
90-minute Deep Dive Coaching

It's time to calibrate & activate!

You are at a crossroads...

You've got a decision to make but you are stuck. Stuck in your head or stuck in your tracks. You may not even see the choices you have.

You deeply care about using your expertise to make a difference and you don't want to make the wrong choice.

I want to help you succeed. Together we will get you crystal clarity on what's holding you back and identify how you can move forward in order to execute on this with courageous confidence. The world needs your professional brilliance but it shouldn't cost you your personal life.

Are you ready to free yourself from decision paralysis and overwhelm and gain peace of mind and direction?

It's time to unlock your capability!

Imagine this 90-minute deep dive session changed your life, and one year from today you called me, what would you say?

You don't have to guess, here's what others are saying:

  • "I can't believe I was nearly ready to attempt this decision alone. I felt so much pressure to get it right and also keep meeting the external expectations of my mentors. But I was torn. Ruth helped me weigh up and evaluate the risk involved in my various options and help me really appreciate what it is that is most important to me going forward and long term. I'm in a field where some sacrifice is part of any choice but I want that to pay off in a way that I care about. Now I'm clear on what speciality I will pursue. My mind is finally calm!"

    Rebecca W

    Medical Resident, Sydney

  • "Don't hesitate! Ruth is fantastic at being an objective party to help unpack your thoughts and motives. She assists with diving deep into your opinions regarding career decisions. This is challenging to find within your workplace or with peers. Ruth's holistic approach to career development ensures everything is considered, and you walk away feeling empowered and clear-headed for the next step. I can't believe this all happened in 90-minutes!"

    Caitlin D

    Lawyer, London

  • "OMG I'm so glad I invested in myself with Ruth! As a working mum, I struggle like many women to juggle caring responsibilities and building my career. I had this opportunity to go for a role that was a big step up in pay and responsibility. I could see the amazing impact I could have and it was so tempting. I was scared I'd never get an opportunity like this again. But I was overhwlemed as it is, my kids are still young and it was so hard to work out what the best thing is to do. Ruth challenged my assumptions and helped me realise my values for this season of my life and resist the temptation to overcommit. I feel at peace."

    Stephanie C

    Project Manager, Seattle

  • "From the very beginning of our call, Ruth demonstrated a genuine interest in understanding my goals, aspirations, and challenges. Her ability to ask the right questions and actively listen made me feel truly heard and understood. She helped me dial in on exactly what I wanted, guiding me towards clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

    One of the most valuable aspects of working with Ruth was her uncanny ability to help me buy back my time with just a few strategic decisions. 

    But what truly sets Ruth apart as a coach is her expertise in reframing beliefs around success. Through her insightful questioning and compassionate guidance, she helped me uncover and address the self-limiting beliefs that I had no idea that were informing every career decision I had made to date. 

    Lauren F

    People & Culture Manager, Toronto

  • "With Ruth's support, I was able to reframe my perspective on purpose, shifting away from a relentless pursuit of achievement to a more sustainable, holistic view that encompasses well-being, work-life balance, and personal fulfilment.

    Ruth's coaching has had a profound impact on my life, not just professionally but also personally. She has helped me regain my sense of self, find my professional next step, and cultivate a healthier relationship with success.

    I wholeheartedly recommend Ruth to anyone who feels lost, overwhelmed, or simply wants to fall in love with their next career decision. Her guidance, expertise, and empathy are truly transformative, and I am forever grateful for the shift I experienced."

    Anika S

    Clinical Psychologist, Singapore

Now, imagine the opposite, what if you don't take this opportunity, and everything stays the same, and a year from now you are still...the same?

Then what happens?

Now is the time to take a chance on you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Professional Identity Coach?

A new and emerging focus of professional development is an appreciation that work and the personal overlap. The concept of 'professional identity' is a known area of social sciences research and involves exploring the attitudes, values, knowledge, beliefs and skills shared with others within a professional group. As a professional identity coach, I help you realise what you know, who you currently are, what you do, and decide and understand who you are becoming.

As a Professional Identity Coach, I respect, value and include the layers of the whole person and appreciate that work and career influence your personal identity and vice versa. I can help you disentagle and deconstruct your professional identity in order to reconstruct how it's going to work for you going forward. I put you at the centre of your career and we start from there.

What does coaching with you look like?

I prefer to work with my clients via phone. Research shows that without the fuss of appearance concerns often associated with a video call, we can focus on investing in what really matters - you! However, in order to be inclusive and embrace the diverse ways we communicate and process information, I would be happy to modify our interaction so that you can maximise the experience for you. I can coach you no matter where you are in the world. I coach anyone who identifies as a woman, of any age and in any season of their professional journey. My deep dive sessions are one on one, just me and you. I believe in 90 minutes we can achieve the clarity that elsewhere may get stretched out to multiple costly sessions. I believe in radical responsibility and by the time we are done, so will you. Therefore, executing on your plan is going to happen way easier than you think! I can answer anymore questions when you apply to work with me.
If you are interested in coaching over a longer period of time, just get in touch via email or LinkedIn and we can work it out together.

What is it not?

I'm not a resume writer or job interview coach although I may direct you towards one or collaborate with one to help you succeed. With me, we go upstream to figure out the bigger and deeper questions before you may need to execute on the pragmatics of job searching or applying.

About Ruth   

I’m a Professional Identity Coach who helps women make sense of their evolving and interconnecting identities as they aim for a rewarding work life. I combine my years of experience managing complexity as a health professional, the art and science of a PhD in decision making and the wisdom gained from personally navigating the windy road of my own career journey to enliven and enlarge others’ vision of who they are and what they can achieve.

© 2023 Dr Ruth Vo.
All Rights Reserved.