Hi, I'm Ruth.

I'm a catalyst and activator of capability development, and my purpose is to champion the voice and impact of female professionals who dare to make a difference.

For most of my life, I've been behind the scenes, cheering on the bold and brave while striving for excellence in everything I do - whether that's as a clinical dietitian, mentor, coach, researcher, educator, mother, sister, friend, or partner.

Now, in this season of my life, I've brought all my identities together to help women marry what they need and want with what they do - without being unfaithful to who they are.

I know from personal experience how hard it can be to realise your own agency, especially when we're so reliant on inadequate and unfair systems to find rewarding work. As a professional identity coach, I'm here to help you move beyond chasing credibility and gain clarity about your enduring professional identity.

I'm daring to be in the arena, and I hope you'll join me!

P.S If you are a credentials type of gal, here are mine specifically: a Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics (Honours) from the University of Wollonging, a Masters of Health Science (Adult Education) from the University of Sydney and a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) from Charles Sturt University as well as over 15 years active frontline experience as a clinical dietitian, educator, volunteer and community of practice leader.


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    © 2023 Dr Ruth Vo.
    All Rights Reserved.