Your Next Career Step

A decision guide for women seeking clarity, new opportunity and direction about work

Feeling stuck in your career? Unlock clarity and purpose with the clear and practical framework in Dr. Ruth's new book! Discover a decision roadmap to a more meaningful and fulfilling life and learn how to make choices that honour your evolving identity. 

A must read for any working woman of 2023.

What you will learn in 

Your Next Career Step

#1 - Overcome mindset obstacles

Discover and overcome the 4 biggest challenges holding you back from making big or small changes in your life right now.

#2 - Realise what you have to offer

We reflect on your professional journey and take stock of your unique strengths and talents. We'll also explore your professional identity and how you can reframe it to better align with your goals.

#3 Design your personal career compass

Your career should be guided by what matters most to you. You'll be guided on how to identify those aspects of your life that matter most and create your own personal career compass to guide your decision-making.

#4 Explore your possibilities

With your career compass in hand, you will survey the landscape of your industry and explore the different opportunities available to you. We'll figure out what type of change you're seeking and how you can achieve it.

#5 -Create your next step action plan

In this final step, you will be guided on how to prioritise your options, know your direction and create a first-step action plan. You’ll also consider potential obstacles and identify the support you need for the journey ahead.

About the Author     

I’m a Professional Identity Coach who helps women make sense of their evolving and interconnecting identities as they aim for a rewarding work life. I combine my years of experience managing complexity as a health professional, the art and science of a PhD in decision making and the wisdom gained from personally navigating the windy road of my own career journey to enliven and enlarge others’ vision of who they are and what they can achieve.

What they say...

Imogen S

Registered Nurse, Sydney

"Prior to reading the book, I was feeling trapped, no direction and unsatisfied in my role. I didn't have the headspace or tools to consider where I am and what's next. With each step, Ruth made an impossible task feel possible. I walked away with a real plan to make a change. I feel hope".

Natalie, R

Associate Professor, Brisbane

"I was contemplating a career move. The book was a great way to undertake some dedicated self-reflection time and clarify my direction. It walked me through the key transferrable skills as well as helped me be open to looking at options outside my current organisation. I finished the book more confident to apply for the new role, and I got it!"

Aamira L

Software Engineer, San Francisco

"I felt so seen reading the book. It really helped me unpack my skills and knowledge and initially separate these from my interests. I was then able to see the overlap and get a much clearer sense of what I could move towards. When you work in a very technical field, you have to be quite strategic about focusing on anything else. I now know what my transferable skills are as well as what additional skills I need to go in the direction I now know I want."


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